فرخ نعمت پور


نوسەر ناوم فەڕۆخ نێعمەتپوورە و لە شاری بانە لە دایک بووم. یەکەمین نووسینەکانم لە بواری چیرۆک بە زمانی فارسی لە تەمەنی ١٥ ساڵیدا بووە لە ژێر کاریگەریی بەرهەمەکانی ڤیکتۆر هوگۆ کە وەک دەستنووس ماون و وەک بەشێک لە یادگاری ژیان و هەوڵی من بۆ بەنووسەربوون لە ئەرشیڤەکانمدا ماون. هەرچەند یەکجار بە تەمەنێکی کەم دەستم بە خوێندنەوەی هوگۆ کرد و بە گوێرەی پێویست لێم هەڵنەگرتەوە. هەمیشە هۆگری توند و تۆڵی خوێندنەوە بووم و لە گەڵیا خەریکی نووسینیش بوومە. لە بیرم دێت هەمیشە دەفتەرچەیەکم لە گیرفاندا بوو و بیر و هەستە کتوپڕییەکانی خۆمم تیا دەنووسینەوە. دواتر بەرەبەرە دەستم دایە نووسینی شیعر و…[ادامه]

خواندم !


1,727 بازدید


Farrokh Nematpoor is a Kurdish novelist, short story writer, journalist and active politician. He was born in Baneh, in the Kurdish province of Iran (17 April 1965) He started writing at an early age and showed great interest in literature and politics. He has written several short stories, novels and articles.As of 2001, he lives in Norway with hiswife and two children. Farrokh Nematpoor


1- The traveling Swallows – 1998
2- Years of Dreaming – 2010
3- Five travels, One picture – 2013
4- The wounded Bird, the admired Fish – 2014
5- The Big fault – 2015
6- Shoresh’ story – 2016
7- The vain imagination – 2018
8- When coming back from the jail – 2019
9- Dady”s adventure – 2019 – persian
10- The day before Ashura – 2019 – persian
11- Years of war – 2019 – persian
12- Whirlpool – 2020
13- The story of the commander – 2020
14- I remember – 2021
15- Thus Spoke Mohammad – 2022 – persian
16- war and mother’s jasmine flowers – 2022 – persian
17- Babos sunset – 2023

Short story books

1- Afternoon in The City – 2007
2- World’s most Beautiful Day – 2009
3- The Nights of Aroma and Travels – 2012
4- With the whispers of the leaves – 2013
5- Tomato’s and Pyramids – 2014
6- Flaming apples – 2015
7- Dracula and the travel to the east – 2016
8- dirty spot – 2016
9- the leader – 2016
10- The key set – 2018
11- Homeland speaks by vind – 2018
12- The remaind colors of those years – 2019
13- One night a little black fish came to me – 2019 – persian
14- Flowers and humans– 2019
15- my shoes – 2020
16- Oak Forest – 2020
17- Taste of life – 2022
18- The sound of the street – 2022
19- Ukraine died – 2023 – persian

Literary Criticism / book

1- Why do we write? — 2020

Translations / book

1-Wage Labour and Capital Karl Marx– 1999
2-Jacaranda flower Toril Brekke – 2005
3- History of thoughts Anfinn Stigen – 2009
4- The stars tell love stories – 2018
5- Humanism and other worldly view of life Lars Gunnar Lingås – 2020
6- Philosophy of apprehension Hans Herlof Grelland – 2020
7- What is novel? Tone Selbo – 2020

interview / book

1- Two faces, a few concepts in between

Article / book

1- War, morality, the new age


1- The winner of the first Kurdish book award d. Ebrahim Younesi novel (wounded bird, puzzled fish) 2016
2- Selection of the novel “Whirlpool” by “Kulturrådet” of Sweden (Whirlpool) – 2023
3- The winner of the third edition of the book of the year prize of Kirstan province (my shoes) – 2023
4- Selection of the novel “Dady”s adventure ” by “Kulturrådet” of Sweden (Dady”s adventure ) – 2024

:Related activities

One of the founders of the Iranian Kurdistan Pen Association

Email: farrokhnematpoor@yahoo.no


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